One of the 17 concerns was: does flossing really matter? The simple answer: yes, it does. It reads as followed: A recent report has some people thinking there's no benefit to flossing. But before you toss your floss, consider this: flossing helps prevent periodontal disease, which is linked to higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and dementia. What's more, gum disease is also associated with a greater risk of serious degenerative diseases. To avoid periodontal disease make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day AND floss before bedtime, eat a healthy diet and have regular dental check ups.

All in all, as distasteful as it is to floss, it's very important to do so, at least once a day. Floss before going to bed or when you have a moment at work. It's just not worth losing your teeth, developing a habit of flossing will help with overall health and keep you smiling all day, everyday.
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