A few months ago, disaster hit our office. 😱 Our CT went down! No fear, we got it replace with a newer and better CT scan. Introducing the Carestream 8100. The CS8100 allows us to choose whether we want to concentrate on one quadrant of the teeth or if we choose to take a full mouth scan. We can even take 2D panoramic x-rays if we wish. The scan yields a high resolution image. These images are more clear and sharper than the images produced by our previous CT. We are so happy to have this new CT scan in our office. It has helped diagnosis some of the more difficult cases we have seen recently.
The last few months have brought many changes on how the world operates. Dental offices are no exception. In our office, we wear extra gear, such as wearing mask at all times, disposable jackets, hair bouffant cap, gloves and etc. According to a recent article in the The Wall Street Journal: “With face shields a growing part of hospital protocol, some infectious disease doctors are calling for greater adoption outside the medical setting.” You may wonder, how does a face shield offer protection from COVID-19? Let’s understand how one gets infected with COVID-19. This virus spreads through droplets that are released into the air from an infectious person when they cough, sneeze or talk. The mouth, nose and the eyes are potential areas of how the virus can get into your system. Masks protect your mouth and nose, but what about the eyes? According to the vice president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and an infectious disease physician Dr. Daniel McQu...