We're truly dumbfounded with the amount of patients we treat in our office asking for opioids after treatment. Yes, we understand there will be discomfort! Patients will do and say anything to obtain them. Though we're very understanding of the situation, our goal is to inform patients that nonopioids work just as well or even better than opioids. Also, our goal doesn't only apply to patients but other doctors as well. In the past, we've had patients with opioid addictions. Most of the time, these patients are hard to work with because they won't consent to treatment unless we assure them they'd being get a prescription for opioids afterwards. We hate to see a patient leave our office in pain! In these cases, patients will argue until we come up with an agreement which is asking them to try nonopioids first, if pain escalates, we'll prescribe 6 tablets of opioids and no more. Majority of the time, they don't need them. Unfortunately, there are som...