Every year, after the craziness of the Holidays, our office participates in the annual OSHA & HIPAA training seminar hosted by Harris Biomedical. Thankfully, we don’t have to travel too far as it usually takes place in the Maggiano’s in Tysons Corner, literally a 5-minute drive from our office. Harris Biomedical has this seminar every year in the Tysons Corner area. Look out for their flyers in the mail around the beginning of the year. Check out their website for more information: http://harrisbiomedical.net/ . The four-hour seminar consisted of a two-hour session dedicated to OSHA and another two hours dedicated to HIPAA. Breakfast was included! For those who don’t know what OSHA or HIPAA means, here’s the breakdown. The Occupational Safety and Health Act, aka OSHA, are a collection of regulations that are managed and required in most states, Virginia being one of them, to guarantee employee safety and good health. OSHA, or referred in Virginia as VOSH, instructs empl...