In our office, we frequently get patients requiring root canal treatment caused by tooth decay. Surprisingly, many patients are unaware of what tooth decay is therefore many think that it's not there. The questions we get asked quite frequently is: what is tooth decay and what causes it? What can be done to prevent it? What is tooth decay? Tooth decay is damage that occurs when bacteria in our mouths create acids that begin to eat away at our teeth. This action leads to a hole in a tooth, also called a cavity. If not treated, tooth decay can cause pain, infection and possibly tooth loss. Our teeth have three layers: the enamel, the dentin and the pulp chamber. The enamel is the hard outer layer that is visible to the eye. The dentin is the middle layer and the third layer is the pulp chamber, this is where the nerves and blood vessels are located. The deeper the decay goes the more damage there is. What causes tooth decay? The culprits: bacteria and food. Have you ever no...